You're not going on a DIET

You're improving your LIFE

I want to support YOU through your health journey because I know how scary and frustrating it is to do it alone!


The Time to start is RIGHT NOW!

It is not a coincidence that you're reading this; timing is everything, and you are finally ready to take your health seriously. The problem you've been having is not knowing the necessary steps to heal your body and feel better. I created Kairos because there was zero support for my fitness journey when I was where you are. I have educated myself on proper nutrition and systematic coaching to keep you motivated to reach your goals. I know what you're going through and how scary and frustrating it is. Now is the time to change your life, body, and mind, and I'll be with you for the entire process.

-------- OUR FEATURES --------

Why We Are the Only Choice

Physical Activity Plan

  • Set specific, measurable goals for your physical activity.

  • Create a schedule for physical activity.

  • Choose activities that you enjoy and that are appropriate for your fitness level.

  • Monitor your progress and adjust your plan as needed.

  • Provide support

Personal Coaching

  • Clarity and direction

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Support and accountability

  • Personalized strategies

  • New perspectives

Nutrition Plan

  • Assess your current eating habits.

  • Set specific, measurable goals.

  • Create a meal plan.

  • Shop and prepare food in advance.

  • Monitor your progress and make adjustments.

Mindset Development

  • Identify and overcoming limiting beliefs or obstacles.

  • Set clear, specific, and measurable health goals.

  • Teach stress management and negative emotion management.

  • Develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

  • Provide guidance and support and holding accountable for progress.

-------- How Do We Help? --------

Chronic Health Conditions

Are you currently experiencing any long-term health problems or symptoms?

Have you ever been diagnosed with a condition that requires ongoing management?

Are you currently taking any medication on a regular basis?

Make Lasting Lifestyle Changes

Are you committed to making healthy lifestyle changes?

Do you have any specific health goals in mind?

Do you have any barriers or obstacles that you anticipate facing while making these changes?

Are you willing to commit time and effort to making these changes?

Feeling Overwhelmed or stuck in current health and wellness routine

Do you feel like you are not making progress towards your health and wellness goals?

Do you feel like your current routine is not sustainable in the long-term?

Do you often feel overwhelmed or stressed when thinking about your health and wellness?

Do you feel like you have tried multiple approaches without success?

Do you feel like you are not motivated or have lost interest in your current health and wellness routine?

-------- Meet Your Coach --------

Lakeitha, is an experienced Health and Life Coach. Driven by motivating others, she takes pride in providing the best system and results possible.

As your Health Coach, her goals include:

Educate you to have fun while transforming Provide a system filled with compassion and accountability, Decrease the affects of chronic conditions with her clients.

Certifications Include:

Clinical Health Coach- Iowa Chronic Care Consortium

Health and Life Coach - Health Coach Institute

Lifestyle Coach - Diabetes Training and Technical Assistance Center

Motivational Interviewing - Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT)

Relaxation Techniques That You Can Use to Help You Sleep Better?

Relaxation Techniques That You Can Use to Help You Sleep Better?

August 14, 20243 min read

There are numerous options for relaxation techniques that can help you to sleep better. They include breathing exercises. Four breathing techniques that are often used to relax people before they go to bed are 4-7-8 breathing technique, Bhramari Pranayama breathing exercise, Three-party breathing exercise and the Diaphragmatic breathing exercise. When doing these exercises, it is recommended that you close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Try each of these and see which one works best for you.

There are numerous options for relaxation techniques that can help you to sleep better. They include breathing exercises. Four breathing techniques that are often used to relax people before they go to bed are 4-7-8 breathing technique, Bhramari Pranayama breathing exercise, Three-party breathing exercise and the Diaphragmatic breathing exercise. When doing these exercises, it is recommended that you close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Try each of these and see which one works best for you.

The 4-7-8 breathing technique was developed by Dr. Andrew Weil. It is based on an ancient yoga technique that is tried and true at helping people to relax as it replenishes oxygen in the body. To perform this technique, you allow your lips to part gently. Exhale completely and loudly, making a whoosh sound as you do so. Then press your lips together and silently inhale through your nose for a count of four seconds. Next, hold your breath for a count of 7 seconds. (one one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand, all the way up to seven one thousand). Exhale again for eight seconds, making the same loud whooshing sound as you did earlier. Repeat this technique four times when you first begin using this technique and gradually work your way up to eight repetitions.

The 4-7-8 breathing technique was developed by Dr. Andrew Weil. It is based on an ancient yoga technique that is tried and true at helping people to relax as it replenishes oxygen in the body. To perform this technique, you allow your lips to part gently. Exhale completely and loudly, making a whoosh sound as you do so. Then press your lips together and silently inhale through your nose for a count of four seconds. Next, hold your breath for a count of 7 seconds. (one one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand, all the way up to seven one thousand). Exhale again for eight seconds, making the same loud whooshing sound as you did earlier. Repeat this technique four times when you first begin using this technique and gradually work your way up to eight repetitions.

Most people reduce their breathing and heart rate when performing the Bhramari Pranayama breathing exercise, which helps them to calm down and get ready for sleep. You begin by closing your eyes and breathing deeply in and out. Simultaneously, cover your ears with your hands. Put each of your index fingers above your eyebrows and the rest of your fingers over your eyes. Next, apply gentle pressure on the sides of your nose and focus on your brow region. During this time, your mouth should be closed and breath out slowly through your nose, making the “Om” humming sound. Repeat this process five times.

Most people reduce their breathing and heart rate when performing the Bhramari Pranayama breathing exercise, which helps them to calm down and get ready for sleep. You begin by closing your eyes and breathing deeply in and out. Simultaneously, cover your ears with your hands. Put each of your index fingers above your eyebrows and the rest of your fingers over your eyes. Next, apply gentle pressure on the sides of your nose and focus on your brow region. During this time, your mouth should be closed and breath out slowly through your nose, making the “Om” humming sound. Repeat this process five times.

The Three-Part breathing exercise is easy and effective. Begin by taking a long deep inhaling breath. Then exhale completely while focusing on your body and how it feels. Repeat this several times, slowing down your exhale so that’s it’s twice as long as your inhalation time.

The Three-Part breathing exercise is easy and effective. Begin by taking a long deep inhaling breath. Then exhale completely while focusing on your body and how it feels. Repeat this several times, slowing down your exhale so that’s it’s twice as long as your inhalation time.

The Diaphragmatic breathing exercise involves deep breathing through your diaphragm. This can be done lying down with your knees bent over a pillow or sitting in a chair. Put one hand flat on your chest and the other on your stomach. Next, take a deep breath in ensuring that only your stomach rises with your breath. When you exhale, allow the hand on your stomach to slowly fall back down to the resting position.

The Diaphragmatic breathing exercise involves deep breathing through your diaphragm. This can be done lying down with your knees bent over a pillow or sitting in a chair. Put one hand flat on your chest and the other on your stomach. Next, take a deep breath in ensuring that only your stomach rises with your breath. When you exhale, allow the hand on your stomach to slowly fall back down to the resting position.

In conclusion, controlling your breathing can help you to relax and feel calm before bedtime, thus facilitating falling asleep easier, getting a better-quality rest, and staying asleep longer. If you have any questions about these breathing techniques, please contact us at However, there are still more techniques that you can use to relax before bed. Next week, we will cover visualization exercises that you can practice to become more relaxed before bedtime and get a better sleep.


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CEO of Kairos Coaching By Lakeitha LLC. Certified Health and Life Coach.

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